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Writer's pictureMark Appenzellar

Team Building Strategies: Attracting Talent on a Modest Budget

You must do everything possible to ensure that the vision you embrace becomes infectious to those you interact with.

Business team standing in the office ValorExcel

Entrepreneurs who have moved beyond sole proprietorship will want to grow their ranks with the best talent possible, but how can you hope to accomplish that if your budget is small?

Launching a new business venture requires many strong character attributes – boldness, determination, perseverance, and, above all else, vision. The risk-taking that's needed to establish an enterprise will never be in the domain of the short-sighted. Being able to project your ideas well beyond the startup phase and to imagine what your business will look like after it's grown and developed takes considerable fortitude. Suppose you're starting in a completely solo endeavor. In that case, it can be incredibly difficult to envision where you want to be with enough clarity that you can keep pushing on during those times when it seems that everything is working against you.

But once you've reached the plateau of what you can accomplish with your efforts, you'll need to turn your attention toward the next facet of your entrepreneurial growth – team building strategies. Whether you've created a service-based business with clients who engage in ongoing interactions or a standard retail environment where you provide products to customers in a single sale, you must bring the right people aboard to help you in that effort. Here is where an inherent difficulty can come into play that proves to be incredibly problematic and challenging for many business owners: how do you attract talent if you only have a modest operating budget?

Unfortunately, this question isn't answered quickly, and the nuances of each business's structure will mean that the owner must conduct careful research to determine the best approach. Having a visionary mindset might be second nature for you, but what happens when you start trying to attract qualified individuals to come to work for you? This search requires that any eligible candidate also be somewhat of a visionary because someone considering the employment opportunities you offer will need to look beyond the constraints of what your business has at its disposal today.

And so this is where the balancing act begins. A prospective employee needs to be able to earn a living wage. Still, as a business owner, you need to be able to operate within the existing revenue limits currently imposed on you. Potential candidates might have tremendous skill and ability, but they might not be a good fit if they only look at the wage you can offer them today. When resources are tight, you'll find the best connection with people who believe in the company's goals and mission and are willing to forego short-term financial gains for long-term, stable success. Many people can't view things from this perspective, but finding someone who can give you a better platform to build your team.

According to research compiled by Forbes, employees in small businesses feel more valued than their counterparts in the corporate realm. This environment should also be a core component when developing your strategy for attracting employees on a limited budget. Even if you can't dangle a large salary in front of a candidate, you can provide meaningful and relevant opportunities for like-minded people. It's imperative to understand that not everyone will fit in this box, but anyone who cares passionately about your business's purpose will be much more willing to commit to your mission than someone simply chasing a paycheck.

This outcome places the first responsibility squarely on your shoulders as the business owner. You must do everything possible to ensure that the vision you embrace becomes infectious to those you interact with. Being genuine about this is essential – no one will commit to your vision if you offer them fluff and vague generalities. It would be disingenuous to convince a prospective hire that things will quickly fall into place. If you connect with those who share your passion and enthusiasm, you owe it to them to be frank about the challenges the business will likely face in pursuing its goals. If someone is scared away by this, they probably wouldn't have been an appropriate fit in the first place.

The word "mission" can end up being a beat-to-death cliché, but that's really what you're asking people to buy into. If you can truly connect with those who believe in that mission, you'll be much more likely to weather the inevitable storms you'll face as a company. Having a group assembled around core values will enable you to withstand difficulties that might otherwise shatter a mere collection of hourly employees. Helping those who work for you to be truly invested in the full scope of what you're about will also yield tremendous benefits for the business. There's no better catalyst for collaboration than people with a shared purpose facing challenges and opposition.

Another thing to do is to capitalize on the fact that many employees appreciate the sense of connectivity and worth in a small business context. Therefore, put as much attention and effort as possible to create the best work environment. Many people, particularly those who may have come from a corporate background, may be used to feeling devalued in the workplace. Ensuring you acknowledge the efforts of those who work for you will go far in crafting a positive, upbeat climate. This effort can be a challenge, as you've already got so many other things on your plate as the business owner, but it's important to celebrate your staff's successes and to provide guidance during their failures.

If large monetary compensation is something you can't offer to employees right now, invest effort in providing an alternative benefit along the lines of professional development. Depending on your industry, there could be a wide variety of free or low-cost training and certification options that would benefit you and the employee. Increasing the expertise of your staff will make your business offerings more well-rounded, and each employee will enjoy personal growth as part of the process. However, understand that this approach is non-revenue generating. Making this happen may require you to allocate time during someone's designated shift to attend training or complete a course online.

Fostering a healthy work/life balance for your employees can also be an attractive prospect for potential new hires. This intentionality will require you to develop policies that will still address the needs of getting the work done while also considering the personal lives of those who work for you. Two components of this approach can be offered without incurring additional operating expenses. First, the option to work remotely can be tremendously appealing, and you may even see an increased output and productivity for those who would rather not have their workday bookended with a commute.

Another possible offering would be to allow staff to have at least some flexibility in their working hours. Especially for those whose job functions don't require ongoing interaction with other team members throughout the day, the focus can be placed on the required delivery time and date for completed work rather than on the exact hours the work needs to be done. Many employees flourish if they feel they're being given autonomy in carrying out their duties. Without feeling that every second of the workday is structured, they may display increased productivity and creativity due to being allowed to tackle things on their own schedule. To support this, ensure that you're not operating in a micromanagement style that would counteract this approach's positive attributes.

Another significant factor in maintaining the engagement of your employees involves allowing them to connect to their talents and gifts in meaningful ways within the business. Irrespective of what role someone was hired to fill, be vigilant over the course of time to enable employees to be better utilized in ways that connect deeply with their own purpose and passion. One effective way to do this is by providing a mentoring presence; if this isn't practical for you due to your various other responsibilities, consider utilizing a tenured staff member who's already invested in the ongoing growth and success of the company.

Most people seek fulfillment in a job setting, transcending simple financial compensation. When someone feels truly connected to something they fully believe in, the stage is set for them to perform at their absolute best. Even if you don't currently have the operating revenue to reward your staff in the way you'd like monetarily, keep that as an overarching goal throughout the ongoing development of your enterprise, but also surround yourself with those who today can see the potential of what you envision the business to someday become. And, no matter how long that journey takes, never stop letting them experience their value in helping to bring the venture to that golden goal.


Ready to build a robust and passionate team without breaking the bank? ValorExcel can help you attract top talent even on a modest budget. Let us guide you in crafting a strategy that aligns with your vision and business goals. Visit our website at, to book your power hour session where you’ll meet with ValorExcel staff to get started. You can also call us at 240-329-9387 or email us at, Also, don't forget to check our recent videos on YouTube by clicking HERE. Don’t wait—take the next step towards a successful and cohesive team today! #TeamBuilding #SmallBusinessSuccess #TalentStrategy #ValorExcel


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